Category: nature

  • how we change

    From one perspective, it’s not who we are, but how we change. Who we are at any given time is a factor of how we’ve changed since our birth. If we look back at ourselves from years ago, its likely clear we’ve changed significantly. The world is always changing, and so are we. So, if…

  • relax and conquer

    My thinking sometimes is that people around me should be working on something. This leads me to think, what should I be working on that I don’t realize I should be working on? I’ve been trying to find that answer, aside from my best guesses of meditation, hard work, and physical training, self observation, prayer,…

  • piles


    When we clean our home, we may have piles of clutter that form from our day to day lives. So, we take those piles and move each item back to its original location. After cleaning, we are pleased at the look of our place, but eventually everything becomes a cluttered mess again. These clutter piles…

  • barrel


    Hurricane Franklin, four feet @ thirteen seconds. One and a half times overhead and clean. Fast forward to my last wave.. looks a bit smaller on the takeoff compared to the other bombs that peaked in one spot. It was a long wall, tapering nicely and seeming stable, free of peaks. Dropped in and fired…

  • benefits of forest fires

    benefits of forest fires

    With the increase in concern over the forest fires in Canada, people may forget the benefits forest fires have for ourselves and our environment. My initial knowledge tells me the ash from the burn nourishes the soil below to help new growth flourish. My guess would be that the particles drifting across the United States…